Choosing The Right Animal For My KidsChoosing the Right Animal for My Kids

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Choosing The Right Animal For My Kids

I have always been one of those people who loves animals, but the same can't be said for my kids. They had a natural tendency to shy away from pets from an early age, and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference it made to start looking into buying an animal. We talked with them about the different breeds we were considering, and before we knew it, they had warmed to the idea. Check out this blog for great information on choosing the right animal for your children, so they can stay safe and happy every day.


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4 Tips For When Your New Ball Python Arrives

Are you going to be getting a new ball python as a pet? If so, it will help to know the following tips for what to do when they arrive at your home. 

Set Up The Habitat

You'll want to set up your habitat for the ball python prior to getting them. You want to be familiar with how the thermostat works and have it ready to go, that way you are not struggling with these items when you have the snake in your possession.

Allow The Snake To Adjust To The New Temperature

It is incredibly common for snakes to be transported to homes through delivery services. If this is how you are purchasing your snake, make sure to give them an inspection once they arrive. If the snake is cold after taking the snake out of the box, you'll want to put the snake back in the bag it came in and let the snake acclimate to your home's room temperature for a few hours. This is because snakes are cold-blooded animals, and their body temperature will match their surroundings. They need to slowly change temperatures, rather than being put directly into a hot enclosure.

Inspect The Snake To Ensure They Are Healthy

It's also important to give the snake a general inspection to make sure that they arrived in good condition and are healthy. Inspect the entire body, looking for indications that they may be injured, and look at their length and weight to see if it is appropriate for the ball python's age.

You should also look at the snake's behavior to see if they are acting normal. This includes moving their body around, flicking their tongue, and exploring their surroundings. Their behavior can also indicate a respiratory infection, such as if the snake is producing a lot of saliva, have open-mouth breathing, or wheeze when they breathe.

If you are noticing an issue with your new ball python, reach out to the vendor that you purchased the snake from and let them know about your concerns. 

Separate The Snake At First When With Other Snakes

When you have multiple snakes that will be sharing the same habitat or just in the same room, it's important to separate the ball python in a quarantine area until you know it is healthy. This is because snakes can spread airborne diseases to each other, and you can even spread disease by handling the new snake and then immediately handling another snake. Wash your hands after handling the new snake to make sure you do not spread diseases.

Reach out to a pet store that has ball pythons for sale to learn more.