Choosing The Right Animal For My KidsChoosing the Right Animal for My Kids

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Choosing The Right Animal For My Kids

I have always been one of those people who loves animals, but the same can't be said for my kids. They had a natural tendency to shy away from pets from an early age, and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference it made to start looking into buying an animal. We talked with them about the different breeds we were considering, and before we knew it, they had warmed to the idea. Check out this blog for great information on choosing the right animal for your children, so they can stay safe and happy every day.


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Want A New Puppy? Why A Labradoodle Is A Good Choice

If you are planning to purchase a new puppy, you have many breeds to choose from. One breed that makes a great dog is the labradoodle. Below is information about this dog so you can decide if it would be a good fit for you and your family.

Great Family Dog

A labradoodle makes for a great family dog. There are many dog breeds that do not do well around small children, but you won't have to worry about that with this breed. This is because they will love everyone in the family. These dogs are also gentle no matter what size they are. This means you won't have to worry about your kids playing with your dog and the labradoodle knocking them down. Because they are great family dogs, they should not be left outside for long periods as they will want to be with their family inside the home. 

Limited Shedding

All dogs shed to a degree, but labradoodles shed very little. If you brush your labradoodle regularly, they will shed even less. Because they do not shed much, this dog is great for people that have allergies. You won't have to worry about dog hair or dog dander floating in the air. You won't even have to worry about the dog leaving behind a lot of hair when they sit on the furniture, and you won't have to worry about getting dog hair on your clothes. 


Labradoodles are known to be intelligent dogs. This makes labradoodles easy to train. You can teach your dog a variety of tricks very quickly. This is because these dogs are bred with the Labrador, which is also an intelligent dog. Take your labradoodle to training classes and it will learn even more. This also is a great way to get your dog socialized with other animals and people. 


If you are not an active person, a labradoodle is not the right dog for you. It will be like you have a training partner with you. If you are a runner, the dog can run right alongside you. If you love to hike, the dog can hike also and not get tired quickly. In most cases, you will get tired before your dog does. Because they are active, you do need to ensure the dog gets enough exercise if you are not an active person. This could be a good walk every day or letting them run in a large backyard and taking them to a dog park. 

Get your puppy from a labradoodle breeder in your area to ensure you are getting a good dog.